Memorial Plaque to Polish Airmen

Polish Air Force Association

Memorial Plaque to Polish AirmenCelebrate the 30th Anniversary of the unveiling of the Memorial Plaque to Polish Airmen in St. Paul’s Cathedral, LondonSunday 7th June, was the 30th Anniversary of the unveiling of the Memorial Plaque to Polish Airmen in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Under normal circumstances, we would have been gathering at the Plaque to attend the annual wreath … Read More

Thy Kingdom Come Launch Event 2020

Thy Kingdom Come Logo

Thy Kingdom Come Launch Event 2020The AF Chaplaincy Prayer Launch event for Thy Kingdom Come will take place virtually online: 0900 Thu 21 May (Ascension Thursday).The Rev (Sqn Ldr) David E. Skillen RAF introduces:’Thy Kingdom Come’ Launch event “Thy Kingdom Come’ runs from Ascension Thursday (21st May) until Pentecost Sunday (31st May). For this 11 day period we are asked … Read More

Runnymede Virtual Memorial Service

Runnymede Memorial

Runnymede Virtual Memorial ServiceA special virtual commemoration of the RAF’s Runnymede service on Sunday 17 May. Every year the Royal Air Force arranges a service to commemorate the more than 20,000 men and women from Commonwealth air forces who lost their lives during the Second World War and to this day, have no known grave. The service usually takes place on the second … Read More