Service of Remembrance for those who died in Sandakan

Act of Remembrance for Sandakan Prisoners Of WarAnnual Remembrance for members of The Royal Air Force who died at Sandakan in World War II An annual service of remembrance took place at St Clement Danes Church to remember the members of The Royal Air Force who died whilst Prisoners Of War at Sandakan – Ranau, Northern Borneo 1943 – 45. … Read More

Spiritual and Pastoral Care at the Central Church of the Royal Air Force

Spiritual and Pastoral Care at the Central Church of the Royal Air ForceSt Clement Danes is the Central Church of the RAF. It provides spiritual and pastoral care for the diverse family of the Royal Air Force, in so many ways. Spiritual and Pastoral Care at St Clement Danes takes place quietly in the background complementing RAF Station Chaplaincy. In London … Read More

Bishop of London visits St Clement Danes Church

Bishop of London visits St Clement Danes ChurchBishop Sarah Mullally visits the Central Church of the RAF and supports its 1941 Appeal The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Lord Bishop of London visited St Clement Danes Church, the Central Church of the Royal Air Force during the occasion of her visitation of Westminster Deanery. The Bishop … Read More

Message from the Resident Chaplain of St Clement Danes

Message from the Resident Chaplain of St Clement Danes ChurchThe Central Church of the Royal Air Force offers much to its diverse family and public benefit.St Clement Danes is the Central Church of the Royal Air Force. It offers much to the diverse family of the Royal Air Force and public benefit. The Church’s history is something to behold and … Read More

Service of Reconciliation at St Clement Danes Church

Service of ReconciliationIn partnership with the Community of Cross of Nails (CCN) St Clement Danes Church held a special Service of Reconciliation.The Community of Cross of Nails (CCN) Service of Reconciliation was led by our new Resident Chaplain Reverend Mark Perry. Our select preacher was The Very Reverend Ulrike Schmidt-Hesse, former Dean of the Protestant Deanery of Darmstadt-City. The Very … Read More

Chairman welcomes new Resident Chaplain to St Clement Danes Church

st clement danes church air marshall alan gillespie resident chaplain reverend mark perry

Chairman welcomes new Resident Chaplain to St Clement Danes ChurchAir Vice-Marshal Alan Gillespie welcomes the new Resident Chaplain to the Central Church of the RAF.Chairman to the Trustees of St Clement Danes Church Air Vice-Marshal Alan Gillespie CBE welcomes the new Resident Chaplain, “I am delighted to welcome The Reverend Mark Perry as our next Resident Chaplain to St Clement … Read More

Royal Air Force Air Ops gather for a service at St Clement Danes Church

RAF Air Ops Force Commander Air Commodore KS Cowieson St Clement Danes Resident Chaplain Reverend Mark Perry

RAF Air Ops gather for St Clement Danes ServiceService of dedication for the RAF’s Air Ops floor plaque at the Central Church of the RAF Members from across the Royal Air Force Air Operations gathered at St Clement Danes, the Central Church of the Royal Air Force, to dedicate their floor plaque inserted into the floor of the RAF family’s … Read More

100 year old airman completes fundraising flight

RAF veteran Jack Hemmings100-year-old airman completes fundraising flight in vintage aircraft in tribute to lifelong friendRAF veteran Jack Hemmings [100] took to the skies in a 1947 Miles Gemini aircraft on Saturday 19 March 2022 – the same model he and his friend Stuart King flew to Africa in 1948. Jack – a former RAF Squadron Leader who was awared … Read More

12 Days of Giving

12 Days of GivingHopes for the future can be changed in under a fortnight!For 12 days – as part of the movement for good – Ecclesiastical will be making £120,000 in donations to charities to help them deliver their vital work. You can make a difference By nominating St Clement Danes Church, you are entering us in for the chance to … Read More

Tedder Talks Series Three

The Tedder Talks Series ThreeTedder Academy of Leadership are proud to announce the release of our third series of Tedder Talks interviews. The Tedder talks are recorded 20-minute interviews with leading figures in business, academia and the military, with the discussions focused on a particular current and relevant topic of leadership. This third series delves into the important topic, Decision … Read More