Welcome back to worship

Welcome back to worship at St Clement Danes
Church, central church of The Royal Air Force.

photograph by kind permission of Claire Jones
Welcome Back
We are delighted to announce we preparing to restart our Sunday Services at St Clement Danes Church from the:
9 th of August 2020.
The Sunday morning service will commence at 11:00 as usual and you will be very welcome to join us for our worship.
However, please note that the Church will have to close immediately after the Sunday service ends.
How are we keeping you safe?
We want to make sure you are safe when you come to worship with us.
We are committed to the well-being of all those who visit, work and worship at St Clement Danes Church, so we are making sure the church is ready for you by making sure;
- Hand sanitiser stations are provided.
- 2 metre social distancing is in place.
- Unfortunately, due to where our toilet is situated, this will not be available for use during your visit, unless you are disabled.
- We hope you will be kind enough to make a donation after the service, if you wish to do so, please use the contactless pay points to make donations. They are easy to use, but if you need assistance our staff are on hand to help you.
- We are unable to sell Church merchandise at this time, but should you wish to purchase something, please email: [email protected] and we will be delighted to take an on-line purchase.
- We will ensure frequent cleaning of touchpoints including seating, before and after the service.
Church doors will open at 10:30am on Sunday 9 th August.
To ensure safety we ask you to do the following, please;
- Wear a face covering whilst you are inside the building
- Sanitise your hands on arrival
- Stay 2 metres from anyone outside your 'bubble'
- Please complete the contact form, and bring a pen with you
- Follow the guidance of the ministers and staff
- Leave as directed - dropping the contact form in the box as you depart
Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you back to St Clement Danes Church.