Today's Service
There is a hearing loop fitted in this church, please adjust your hearing aid accordingly;
please switch your mobile phone to ‘flight’ mode and turn off all recording devices.
Please ensure you are wearing a face covering during the service and check in with the NHS app.
Thank you.
Welcome to St Clement Danes
Central Church of the RAF
Choral Matins
Sunday 25 July 2021: Trinity 8
The Order of Service may be found in the booklet.
This booklet has been quarantined for at least 48 hours.
At the moment congregational singing is not allowed in places of worship, so please ‘sing with your hearts’ as the choir enhances our worship with its music.
The officiant and preacher today is:
The Revd David Osborn, Resident Chaplain
The service is sung by:
The organist is:
The musical setting is:
Please stand for the
Opening Hymn:
Please sit
Welcome, Confession, Kyries, Absolution,
Gloria and Collect
Sit for the First Reading:
Remain seated for
Second Reading
Please stand for the Gradual Hymn:
Remain standing for the Gospel Reading:
Sermon, Creed, Intercessions and Peace
Please stand for the Offertory Hymn:
Please sit or kneel for the Eucharistic Prayer
Anthem during Communion:
Post communion prayers and
Blessing and Dismissal
(all stand for the dismissal)
Remain standing for the Recessional Hymn:
Organ Postlude
Next Sunday:
1 Aug : Choral Matins at 11.00
CCLi St Clement Danes Church 1413839
Text from The Book of Common Prayer, the rights in which are vested in the Crown,
is reproduced by permission of the Crown's Patentee, Cambridge University Press.
Please leave your prayer book in the pew as you depart.
If you are seated on the northside (pulpit side) please leave by the north doors.
If on the southside please leave by the south doors.
There is a box for your contact form, and a donation point, by each door.
Thank you