Here For Culture

Here For Culture


Here For Culture

St Clement Danes is #HereForCulture

Church Organ ViewExcitement

Everyone here at St Clement Danes church is excited to announce that we have received funding thanks to the government’s #CultureRecoveryFund so that we can continue to be here for you and #HereForCulture which will help the church move closer to you, our congregation, members of the Royal Air Force - both at home and abroad, and all our friends!

The funds will allow us to expand our reach and bring the church to you.

We're pleased to announce that the funds are going to be used to bring live streaming of services and events directly to you through your favourite platforms.


Here For Culture

"Here for Culture is a movement that unites the public, government and cultural organisations in support of our fantastic cinemas, theatres, music venues, museums, galleries and heritage. 

Whether on the global stage or quietly in our own lives, culture inspires, uplifts, comforts and entertains us. Now, in these challenging times, it’s our turn to provide a lifeline and show our support. The government is #HereForCulture with an unprecedented £1.57 billion of funding coming through on top of the furlough scheme, bounce-back loans and emergency grants. The public has been #HereForCulture as organisations have innovated online and outdoors. 

Join us to show your support – whether it’s announcing or welcoming funding or promoting online or covid-secure ways to experience and enjoy culture."

AltarThe Project

As we progress with this project we'll keep you up to date. So, check back here on the website and our Social Media channels to see how we get on and where to find our live streams for you to enjoy anywhere!