The Royal Air Force

Royal Air Force

As a living memorial to all those Royal Air Force men and women who have died whilst serving, St Clement Danes church contains the Books of Remembrance honouring their military service.

The Church also contains over a thousand unique slate squadron and unit badges embedded in the

The walls have Colours and Squadron Standards from disbanded units, which have been “laid up” in the church.

Many items of unique historical RAF memorabilia are displayed in the church, as well as ancient silver treasures from the old parish.

There are over 1000 Unit badges inlaid into the floor of the church. Made from Welsh slate they represent all units that are or have been part fo the Royal Air Force.
Whenever an RAF Squadron is permanently disbanded the Squadron Standard is 'Laid Up' forever in the church. A reminder of all the successes and history of the Squadron.
The Church hosts many precious artefacts on display from the Parish, the Royal Air Force, Commonwealth Air forces and gifts from other churches and associations from around the Country and the World.

There are over 1000 Unit badges inlaid into the floor of the church. Made from Welsh slate they represent all units that are or have been part of the Royal Air Force.

Whenever an RAF Squadron is permanently disbanded the Squadron Standard is "Laid Up" forever in a church. St Clement Danes holds past Kings' and the Queens' Colours and some Squadron Standards.

The Church hosts many precious artefacts on display from the Parish, the Royal Air Force, Commonwealth Air Forces and gifts from other churches and associations from around the Country and the World.

Trustee's Book

Along with our unique collection of memorial books to those who died in service, we also have the Trustee's Book.

This book contains the names of ex-serving members who have passed since leaving the Royal Air Force.

You can have a name entered into this book, for a small fee, by filling out the form below and returning it to us.

Application Form >

Precious Artifacts

Every  artefact in the church has been donated to the safekeeping of the church.

We need your help to keep these artefacts in perfect condition

if you can
please donate today